Where we are located
Our Troy Ave Property:
Located at 1116 West Troy Ave in Indianapolis, In. We have a 30 acre lake with up to fifty ft (deep) of water. Boats are allowed on this lake but no gasoline motors are allowed to be used (electric trolling motors only).
This lake is stocked with a variety of fish: Bluegill, Red ears, Crappie, Large & Small mouth Bass, Trout, Channel catfish, Flathead catfish and huge Blue catfish. For our Carp fishermen we have Carp and grass Carp.
A big Blue cat topping out at 90 lb. plus ( pictured above right) was caught and released in the summer of 2012. Several others between 40 lb. and 75 lb. were caught and released since then. Last year a Small mouth Bass at 6 lb. 5 oz. was caught and released. Not bad for a city lake.
Camping is allowed at this location on weekends only.
Our Farm Property.
Located at 3717 West State Road 44 Franklin, In. (1.5 miles west of 135 on st rd 44) We have 3 fishing ponds located on 125 acres of land. If you want to get away from it all this is the place. No boats are allowed on the ponds here.
The ponds here are stocked with Bluegills, Red ears, Crappie, large mouth Bass, Channel Catfish and trout. ( Carp and grass Carp for our Carp fishermen)
Camping is allowed at this location on weekends only. There are several areas to camp at this location. If you want to camp away from the fishing ponds there are camping areas available.
This year we are opening up a nature trail for those interested.
Our Clubhouse is located here at the front of the property. This is where we have our Bean/Chili dinner in March and our Easter egg hunt for the children is held behind the clubhouse. It is available to rent for weddings, receptions, anniversaries, etc. (Members get a discounted price)
*Both locations are included with your membership*
***All campsites at both location are primative camping***
Hours <>
Monday - Thursday > 6am to 10pm
Friday > We open at 6am and don't close untill 10pm Sunday
Holidays > We are open all night before the Holiday